Friday, October 31, 2014

All is well

A long overdue update, but the good news still holds: no further decline in cognitive function. If this is as bad as it gets, with careful attention to details ("Be in the Now" is not just a spiritual exercise -- it's a way of getting through each day) and with acceptance of my limitations -- I will be very much OK!

The Phase 3 LMTX trial will be going 'open label', meaning I will continue on with the trial drug (and I am quite sure I am on the 'real thing' based on my initial reaction to it many months ago) until it gets approved and fast tracked through the FDA


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, renewed hope

I'm greeting this new year with renewed hope that I am really onto something here with the LMTM Phase 3 trial. At my last session, I did not sense any decline in my cognitive tests (still difficulty with remembering lists and any math past 20 is still gone for me, but nothing is worse). The psychologist stated he saw improvement in 'persistent cognition' and the nurse said she has seen really positive results in many of the participants in the trial.

So it's not just my hopeful Irish imagination!