Sunday, September 8, 2013

The trial drug is working and my life is before me

TauRx trial -- ain't nothing but the real thing, baby

I am not on a placebo. I am on the real LMTM, because so much is more clear. I still can't do math above 20, still can't read music, still can't multi-task, still get confused, still can't find common words -- but I have an absolute solid sense that WE ARE ONTO SOMETHING HERE!

I know I am not on the placebo because the clarity with which I see/perceive has changed radically in the last six weeks -- as if running the windshield wipers and realizing how dirty the windshield was.

For the first time in 3+ years since the diagnosis, I have not just hope, but a deep inner sense that the rest of my life is before me.

Tau. Wow.


  1. Hi Megan

    Chanced upon your comments in David Hilfiker's blog. I think being on the TauRx Phase 3 trial is the best thing that you can do for yourself! I have heard anecdotal stories about such improvements for those in the Phase 2 trials too. I am so glad that it would seem from your experience that you are given the real drug and doing so well on it!

    Your blog post on the TauRx trial is such an encouragement to all Alzheimers sufferers and gives hope that with this new drug, there is indeed life after being diagnosed with AD. Hope and encouragement are so important in this fight against the dreaded disease......Thanks so much.

    Do keep us posted on your journey. God bless.

    Best Regards.

    1. JK -- Thank you for your encouragement! YES! I am very impressed with the Phase 2 trials as well as what I perceive (a bit more clarity and no further decline) has been born out by the last round of cognitive tests from my neurologist -- no decline!

    2. Your response here brings tears to my eyes and makes my heart sing. I am in the process of choosing a neurologist to confirm what I already know and hopefully join you in the TauRx trials. Please keep us posted on your progress!! M.xx

    3. Hi M
      Hope you get on the TauRx trial, too! Even if you are placed on placebo, you will be given the real drug after the trial ends you're already a winner, either way.
      All the best to you! God bless. Regards. JK

    4. Yes, JK, thank you -- I am on the TauRx trial and am quite convinced I am on the real thing rather than the placebo as I felt a very distinct lessening of what I call 'fog' after some initial weeks of somewhat heightened confusion (everything was 'more'). I am VERY hopeful!

  2. Hi Megan,

    This one's for you - Tau Phase 3 Clinical Trial Webinar on 30th October.


  3. Replies
    1. Megan, I believe the above link is an old link for an event that was held in 2012. There was a more recent very educational webinar which I had seen by Prof Wischik of TauRx on this Phase 3 trial launch in London/Europe.

      Prof Wischik's presentation starts at about the 47.40 minute mark if you just want to zero in on his presentation. I learnt so much about the science of this TauRx drug from this webinar and about what it can do, based on the fantastic Phase 2 trial results. See:

      Hope that helps. Regards. JK
